What is sexual frustration and how to deal with it?


What is sexual frustration and how to deal with it?

May 14, 2020
Love & Sex, Relationship


More people are now complaining about sexual frustration because of worldwide lockdown going on due to COVID- 19 Pandemic. Lockdown forces people to stay in their homes with less physical movement. This further leads to various symptoms of depression, stress, fear, and anxiety, all of which are eventually affecting their sexual lives causing sexual frustration.

Sexual frustration is one of the reasons why relationships end. Sex plays a major role in the relationship. It gives an extraordinary joy and nothing can be contrasted with it. The sexual urge only makes partners transform their relationship into a legal relationship by doing marriage. It is a genuine chance to getting sexual fulfillment with an ordinary dating partner in an agreeable and perpetual system.

On the contrary, after sometime sexual urge blurs, an individual starts to encounter immense distress. In psychological terms, it is been called sexual frustration and many people are going through it.

Prime Symptoms of Sexual Frustrations

The main symptoms of sexual frustration are:

1. Poor sex education and shy nature
2. Trauma caused by some past event
3. Regular conflicts between the couples
4. Fear of failure in the sex
5. Futile past sexual experiences
6. Monotony and too much fatigue
7. Overdose of sexual enhancement drugs

Why it happens medically?

By considering each of the aspects, we should say that when a person involved in tired sex, his body releases hormone endorphin. This hormone is responsible for a positive state of mind, while it discharges a positive impression of the encompassing scene into the human body. Along these lines, each time after climax, individuals believe that the world is getting lovely. Additionally, during sex, some mind habitats enact and adds to the improvement of our mood.

Ways to deal with sexual frustration

Don’t calibrate yourself to other’s standards: One of the best ways to cope up with the sexual frustration is to avoid putting your foot on other’s shoes. It has been noted that sexual depression or frustration arises more when we see others experiencing pleasure in their relationship and sex life. It is better not to focus on other’s standards rather keep focusing on your own life.

Learn to accept yourself: This is easy to say but difficult to do. The moment you can accept yourself as it is, it will wipe off all your sexual frustration. Stop keep pouring your mind with thoughts like my sex life is horrible, I cannot deserve good sex and my sex life is ruined and destroyed. Learn to accept yourself as you are and avoid degrade yourself strictly.

Masturbation: This is perhaps the most realistic way to remove your sexual frustration both for males and females. The only thing to consider that never make it a habit or get addicted to it. Otherwise, excessive masturbation will ruin your future sex life.

Get the professional help: If these things fail to work, better take the help of a professional physiologist or psychotherapist. These experts will possibly counsel you and if required will prescribe you some medicines to get out of the frustration.



how to deal with sexual frustrationHow to deal with sexual frustration due to COVID- 19 LockdownWhat is sexual frustrationWhat is sexual frustration and how to deal with it?

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